Quorum’s Retail Team Beats the Competition
If there was an Olympic Games for architecture, retail design would be the 400-meter relay event. The pace is fast, and the team functions like a well-oiled machine after years of practice.
Music & Arts - Burleson, TX
Retail design is a specialty of Quorum’s, and clients depend on our staff to be knowledgeable and accessible so their projects move along as quickly and seamlessly as possible. For clients that are developing multiple stores in various locations, prototype designs are often created and adapted to different sites. This helps expedite schedules saving significant time during the design development stage.
“Clients depend on our staff to be knowledgeable and accessible so their projects move along as quickly and seamlessly as possible.”
“Retail design has unique challenges and requirements,” says Scott Wilson, Quorum Principal and Director of Retail Design. “It requires a team that understands the specific codes and demands of retail design and construction.
Clients have been relying on Quorum for their professional retail services since 1992, when Scott and four other architects started the firm after encountering previous employers who treated clients and staff members in less than desirable ways. Quorum’s founders were motivated to create a positive experience for their employees and the clients they serve. The same philosophy drives the firm today. Clients have been returning to Quorum and referring others to the firm for almost 30 years, and the average tenure for staff is more than 10 years.
Purple - Austin, TX
“Retail design has unique challenges and requirements. An experienced team is crucial.”
“Our retail clients are sophisticated. They invest significant time and money on the development of their brand before launching a brick-and-mortar store. They have a clear picture of the customer experience they want to create before we start designing,” adds Scott.
Cookies - Corvallis, OR
Cookies is an example of a client whose strong brand identity is integrated throughout the store design, helping to define the shopper experience. The cannabis company’s signature color permeates the store and envelopes customers in a sea of moody blue. A browsable layout, high-tech finishes, and strategic lighting and logo placement reinforce the company’s identity.
Customer experience and destination shopping are important differentiators in retail today. Stores that survived the explosion of online shopping understand this. They know shoppers want to see and test goods first-hand in an attractive environment while learning about the benefits from knowledgeable associates. Think Apple.
Cookies - Oklahoma City, OK
Quorum began working with Purple when the company transitioned from selling online and through other big box retailers to opening their own stores. Purple’s showrooms are designed to create a calm, relaxing environment that encourages interaction. Through technology and personal shoppers, browsers learn how Purple’s products can improve their sleep and wellbeing.
Purple - Newark, DE
“With Purple, we tested out various configurations and design solutions in smaller pop-ups first,” says Arthur Calcaterra, Project Manager at Quorum. “We work closely with the client, consultants and contractors to develop systems that can be adapted and reproduced in any location.”
Because Quorum has active projects all over the country simultaneously, the staff is almost always on call. They’re available to answer questions or resolve issues that might pop up during construction. Often, construction documents for a new location can be turned around in less than three weeks. Construction might be on a four-to-six-week schedule, meaning all decisions have to be made in a timely method to meet project deadlines.
Purple - Farmington, UT
Scott explains, “Technology allows us to do much of our work remotely while still maintaining high quality standards. I used to spend half the work week traveling.”
“Technology allows us to
do much of our work remotely while still
maintaining high quality standards.”
Quorum, registered to work in 44 states, works on a secure virtual network using software that allows the entire team continuous access to all correspondence and information related to the project, saving clients’ time and money.
“One of the things I like best about retail design is the direct contact with clients, collaborators and contractors,” says Quorum team member, Arte Limani. “The quick schedules and frequent team interactions keep everyone accountable and engaged.”
When it comes to retail, a seasoned team is a must for successful project delivery. Just like Olympians, Quorum’s team stays at the top of their game - reacting quickly, communicating effectively and working together to reach the finish line.
Contact Scott Wilson to schedule a complimentary consult.