A Tradition of Excellence
The Army and Air Force Exchange Service, also known as The Exchange, is an organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for service men, women and their families throughout the world. “We go where you go” means that they support the troops and their families, regardless of the situation or location. The Exchange has provided tax-free goods and services to military families since 1895, in times of war or peace. Through their 2,700 worldwide facilities, the Exchange generates over $8.3 billion in revenue and contributes dividends to support morale, recreation and welfare programs.
Quorum began providing design services for the Exchange in 1998 and has successfully completed more than 300 individual retail, restaurant and service projects ranging from Main Exchange renovations of over 100,000 square feet to individual food tenants. Project work includes Starbucks, Burger King, Subway, Taco Bell, Popeye’s Chicken, Arby’s and Qdoba. We’ve also served the employees at the 650,000 square foot Exchange Headquarters in Dallas, performing renovations and additions, as well as at distribution centers nationwide.
To contact Gayland Leddy about your Exchange project, click here.