Dual Food
Nellis Air Force Base, NV
The Exchange has hired Quorum to design and renovate multiple dual food stores across the country, but this one at Nellis AFB was designed to be the prototype for all future dual food stores. The challenge when designing a prototype is in creating a design that can be easily adapted to different locations with dramatically different topographies, soil conditions and climates. As we do with all Exchange projects, Quorum designed this store to conform to the military’s Force Protection Guidelines for hardening the building against any kind of threat.
This dual foods is a 7,800 square foot new build to accommodate two fast food restaurants, Burger King and Popeyes, with drive-through lanes and a shared interior food court. It formed the basis for subsequent dual food prototypes. As with every restaurant project, there was a multitude of stakeholders to satisfy with this prototype building. Quorum delivered a successful project and continues to renovate and design new dual food shops and other retail facilities for The Exchange.